Exclusive access
APIs for the Norwegian seafood industry
Weekly updates
The fastest access to our weekly trade figures
Several APIs
Choose between several options
Getting started
The portal provides easily accessible APIs to the Norwegian seafood industry. It includes APIs for Norwegian and global trade statistics with weekly and monthly updates.
To access the APIs, you need to sign in. Your username and password will be integrated with your username and password on our website seafood.no using a single sign-on solution.
The different APIs are available through products. To consume the API you need to subscribe to the product to which the API belongs to. View available products and underlying API’s here.
The APIs can be tested in the browser by using the “Try it” button available for each API.
Our products

Trade statistics
Norwegian and global seafood exports/imports. Includes API's for monthly and weekly statistics.
More to come
We will continue developing APIs that will display here when ready.
If you experience errors in the API services, have trouble logging in, or issues with data quality please report back to us by sending us an email: insight@seafood.no.